
Parental permission is required in order for your student to access technology and digital resources at school. Alpha Academy uses a variety of technology and digital resources to enable and enhance instruction. Teachers will utilize Google Apps for Education along with various other applications in order to assess and enhance learning. As with any educational endeavor, a strong partnership with families are essential to our success.

The following services are available to each student: Google Email, Google Drive, Alpha Calendar, and Google Classroom for assignments, and authorized websites. Using these tools, students collaboratively create, edit, and share files and websites for school related projects and communicate via email with other students and teachers. 

Permission For Google Apps For Education Use

By signing below, I confirm that I have read and understand the following:

Under FERPA and corresponding North Carolina law, student’s education records are protected from disclosure to third parties. With regards to COPPA, I understand that my student’s education projects, documents, email, files, username and passwords stored in Google Apps for Education may be accessible to persons acting on behalf of Google by virtue of this online environment. I also understand that my student’s use of Google Apps for Education is governed by Alpha Academy’s Technology Responsible Use Policy (Alpha Academy School Policy Code: 0003).

My signature below confirms my consent to allow my student’s projects, documents, email, files, username and password to be stored by Google. I understand that I may ask for my child’s account to be removed at any time and that I am allowed to have full access to my child’s account. I also understand that if I choose to allow my child to have a Google Apps for Education account, I have the right to request that any one portion of the suite of tools can be disabled, leaving the other portions of the suite fully operational. 

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