All Alpha Academy students receiving digital curriculum and direct instruction online are subject to the applicable Alpha Academy policies and this Student Virtual Learning Code of Conduct. As a virtual learning student, there are additional rules and expectations regarding prior online etiquette in place in order to protect all students and all staff members.  Access to remote learning must be used in a responsible, safe, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.  With expanded access to electronic information, the availability of inappropriate material is not uncommon.  Some sites contain illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or offensive information.  We especially appreciate partnering with parents to teach responsible Internet use.

Please review the following rules and expectations carefully:

Students are responsible for proper behavior during online learning.  Always use a computer in a way that shows consideration and respect.  It is not acceptable to use obscene, profane, threatening, or disrespectful language.

Students are expected to work virtually in an appropriate learning environment that is free of background noises, inappropriate pictures or other visuals, suggestive materials, or spaces.

We take the integrity and authenticity of student work very seriously.  Do not cut, copy, or plagiarize Internet content or the work of your online classmates.  Teachers do utilize technologies to check for authenticity.  Copying, knowingly allowing others to copy from you, and/or misusing Internet content will result in disciplinary action.

Security and Safety is a high priority, especially when the system involves many users.  If you identify a security and/or safety problem in the school’s computers and/or educational platform, notify the IT Department at

It is illegal to create harmful computer viruses.

Remote Learning correspondence is not private.  Never say, write, or record anything that will earn you a consequence.

Protect your passwords.  Keep it secret from anyone except your parents.


All Internet data that is composed, transmitted, or received via our computer communications systems is considered to be part of the official records of Alpha Academy and, as such, is subject to disclosure to the parents/guardians, administration, or other third parties.  Consequently, Alpha Academy expects both student and parents to abide by the  school’s Internet Usage Policy:

Data that is composed, transmitted, accessed, or received via the Internet must not contain content that could be considered discriminatory, offensive, obscene, threatening, harassing, intimidating, or disruptive to any other person.  Examples of unacceptable content may include, but, are not limited to, sexual comments or images that could reasonably offend someone on the basis of race, age, sex, religious or political beliefs, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Abuse of Internet platforms and tools in violation of school policies will result in disciplinary action.  Below are examples of behaviors that are prohibited, but are not limited to this list.

Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages or images;

Stealing, using, or disclosing someone else’s code or password without permission;

Copying, pirating, or downloading software and electronic files without permission;

Sending or posting confidential material, trade secrets, or proprietary information outside of the organization;

Violating copyright laws;

Engaging in unauthorized transactions that may incur a cost to the school or initiate unwanted Internet services and transmissions;

Participating in the viewing or exchange of pornography or obscene materials;

Sending or posting messages that defame or slander other individuals;

Attempting to break into the computer system of Alpha Academy, another organization, or another individual;

Refusing to cooperate with a security investigation;

Using the Education Portal for political causes or activities, religious activities, or any type of gambling;

Jeopardizing the security of the organization’s electronic communications systems;

Sending or posting messages that disparage Alpha Academy or another organization’s products or services;

Passing off personal views as representing those of Alpha Academy;

Sending anonymous email messages;

Engaging in any type of illegal activities;

Disturbing the Virtual Learning Environment;

Refusing to follow rules of the specific Virtual Learning Classroom;

Unmuting yourself when your teacher has placed you on mute;

Recording any class session and transmitting it;

Recording your teacher and/or classmates; 

Participation in Cyber Bullying and/or other harassment;

Cheating and/or plagiarism.

Student email is only used for student work.


Students of Virtual Learning are public school students and will continue to be held to the Alpha Academy Code of Conduct.  In the virtual environment, however, there is a set of non-traditional types of misconduct that may be regularly monitored and, if not hopefully eliminated altogether, then disciplined in an appropriate manner.  Accordingly, in addition to Alpha Academy’s applicable policy, the Virtual Learning Code of Conduct incorporates expectations of conduct specific to the virtual/remote learning classrooms.  For example, Internet access is required of all students, but, access must be used in a responsible, safe, efficient, ethical, and legal manner.  With expanded access to electronic information, the availability of inappropriate material is not uncommon.  Some sites contain illegal, defamatory, inaccurate, or offensive information.  Although it is impossible to control such misuses, we believe that with responsible use, the benefits of the Internet as an educational tool outweigh the negatives.


Attendance expectations.   In order to receive high-quality instruction and credit for attendance, all students are expected to attend Virtual Class each day.  The student is responsible for all assignments whether they are present or absent.  This includes class notes, assessments, class assignments, homework, and class discussions. 

Absences.  Students are considered absent from the virtual class if they do not attend the scheduled class.   Whenever absent, the teacher will give the student sufficient time to make up the assignment or an alternative assignment.   When a student is absent, the parent/guardian will be required to notify the teacher by phone, email, or Class Dojo.  If a parent notification is not presented to the school within 3 days of the student’s absence, then the absence will be considered unlawful.  Parents are asked to contact the teacher if a student will be absent for more than one (1) day.  The school will notify the parent each day that their child is absent.

Excessive absences.  Attendance letters will be issued to the parents of students who accrue 3, 6, or 9 absences within a grading period.  A parent-administrative conference will be scheduled to determine a resolution for the student’s attendance issues.  The student may be placed on an attendance contract if absences are unexcused.

Tardies.  Tardies will be handled by the Virtual Classroom Teacher.  If a student is legitimately tardy,  the parent/guardian will be required to notify the teacher by phone, email, or Class Dojo. If a student accrues 3 class tardies, then the teacher will make an administrative referral, which may lead to a parent-administrative conference.

Early checkout.  Students are expected to remain in the Virtual Classroom during the entire class period.  If a student needs to leave the classroom before the end of the period, then the parent/guardian will be required to notify the teacher, in advance, by phone, email, or Class Dojo.

Dress Code and Learning Space.  The Virtual Classroom is a classroom.  The learning environment, however, is different from what we are typically accustomed to.  In order for teachers to teach and students to learn, the guidelines put in place for the traditional classroom.  These guidelines include the Alpha Academy dress code and an appropriate learning environment. Dress Code and Learning Space guidelines are as follows:

Students are expected to log on in FULL UNIFORM each day ( Alpha Academy shirt and uniform pants/bottoms).

Hats and head wraps/scarves may not be worn.

Hoodies may not be worn in class.

Shorts and skirt lengths must be appropriate in the event you must stand.

Excessive jewelry should not be worn (no nose rings).

Earbuds may only be worn when permitted by the teacher.

The teacher will direct a student to remove any articles of clothing or accessories deemed inappropriate for the classroom.

Students must be in a well-lit area free of distractions and interruptions.

Students should not have their laptop or computer monitor facing a window or light as it creates glare.

Inappropriate or distracting items or pictures should not be in view of the Virtual Classroom.

Pets or persons who are not assigned to the classroom should not enter the student’s learning space unless it is necessary.

Microphones are to be muted if background noises interfere with classroom instruction.

Cameras are to be on at all times unless permission to turn them off is granted by the teacher.

Virtual Classroom Behavior Expectations.  Behavior expectations for the Virtual Classroom are the same as the regular classroom.  Students are expected to follow the guidelines that are addressed in the Student Code of Conduct issued prior to going virtual.  The guidelines include, but, are not limited to the following:

Students are expected to follow all teacher’s rules and procedures outlined in the syllabus.

Students must come to class in full uniform (Alpha Academy shirt and uniform pants/bottom).

Students are to log into their virtual classroom on time each day, with their video and microphone muted.

Students are to conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate for the learning environment.

Students are to complete and turn in their assignments by the due date.

Students are to do their OWN work.  Group work may be assigned, however, each student is responsible 

for his/her contribution.

Students are to have all class materials and required tools for a class within their reach.

Cell phones are not allowed in the virtual classroom.

Food and drinks are not permitted in the Virtual Classroom.

Students are expected to be attentive and participate in class discussions on a regular basis.

Students are expected to ask for help when needed.

Students are expected to take the Virtual Classroom experience seriously, as performance and attendance will determine each student’s success.

Students will immediately report to the teacher, any issues that may hinder their performance.

Students are responsible for contacting the teacher for make-up work.

Students may not open websites, including games, videos, and movies, without the teacher’s permission.

Students must gain permission to use email or private chat during the class.

Students are to ask permission before leaving the classroom for a restroom break.

Take advantage of stretch breaks when the teacher allows.

Follow the teacher’s guidelines for breakout sessions



The following basic criteria will be considered in the grading of our students within the Virtual Classroom:


Attendance and participation
Assignments – classwork and homework
Projects – individual and group




Grading Scales

Elementary  and Middle School (7- point scale)

A   93 -100

B   85 – 92

C   77 – 84

D   70 – 76

F   69  and Below


High School (10 – point scale)

A  90 – 100

B  80 – 89

C  70 – 79

D  60 – 69

F  59 and Below


Category Weights

All Grade Levels

Tests/Projects – 35%

Quizzes          – 25%

Classwork       – 20%

Homework      – 15%

Participation   –   5%


Total               – 100%



The teachers, administrators, and parents at Alpha Academy believe that a safe and orderly VIRTUAL classroom environment is essential if learning is to take place.  All students at our virtual school are expected to contribute to such an atmosphere through appropriate online behavior.  The Alpha Academy Virtual Student Code of Conduct will be enforced.  

Students causing disruptions to the virtual classroom or virtual school will be subject to disciplinary action.  Teachers are in control of their classrooms and will implement their individual classroom discipline plans for minor offenses.  However, disruptive students will receive consequences as deemed appropriate for major consequences.  Repeat offenders will be disciplined as necessary:

SECOND OFFENSE – Reflection Time and Parent Contact
THIRD OFFENSE – Parent-Teacher Conference
FOURTH OFFENSE – Administrative Referral
FIFTH OFFENSE – Administrative-Parent Conference


Harassment is prohibited between members of the school community, including communication of any form between students, parents, faculty and/or staff, and any third party directly or indirectly.  

We are committed to maintaining a working and learning environment in which students, faculty, and staff can develop intellectually professionally, personally, and socially.  Such an atmosphere must be free of intimidation, fear, coercion, and reprisal.

It is an expectation that all students and employees shall use all equipment and programs for the intended educational purpose.  We are committed to protecting students and employees from bullying, harassment, or inappropriate use of computers or programs to participate in bullying behavior.  Bullying and Harassment will not be tolerated and shall just cause for disciplinary action

Conduct that constitutes bullying and harassment, as defined herein, is prohibited.  Bullying, harassment, and cyberstalking are defined as inflicting physical or psychological distress, and/or communicating words, images, or language electronic mail (email) that causes emotional distress and for which there is no legitimate purpose.  Any action by a student or parent deemed inappropriate will be fully investigated by the appropriate school administrator.


What is academic integrity?

Academic integrity is an ethical code, whereby the student guarantees that all work submitted is the student’s own work. 

Why is academic integrity important?

When students submit an assignment that is not their own original work, there are two issues involved:

Students are earning credit for learning material for which they have not demonstrated mastery;

They may be violating policies of the school

What are some examples of academic integrity violations?

There are two kinds of academic integrity violations:

Plagiarism – To steal and pass off the ideas or words of another person as your own; use of another person’s production without crediting the source.  Some examples of plagiarism include, but, are not limited to:

Copying any other work and not properly citing authorship
Copying and pasting a report from the Internet and representing it  as your own work
Cheating – To influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice; to practice fraud or trickery to violate rules dishonestly; providing questions/answers/work to another student.


Consequences for Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy

A variety of consequences will be administered when students are discovered cheating or plagiarizing.  Additionally, final grades may be rescinded if a student is found to have cheated or plagiarized after the grade has been posted.     

Parents, as partners in supporting student learning, are encouraged to:

Ensure that your child’s work is authentic and original;

Monitor student work using your parent account;      

Ask questions regarding plagiarism or cheating if you are not sure  about the work;

Review your child’s work before it is submitted and make suggestions for improvement (if applicable);

Do not complete work for your child.  Contact the teacher if additional help is needed; 

Report any suspicious activity.



The role of the parent/guardian is critical.  As a parent/guardian of a Virtual School student, it is very important to understand the responsibilities associated with that role.   With the many distractions, students have today it can be difficult for some students to set aside time to work on courses when not in school.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to encourage the student to manage their time in an effective way.  

Provide a specific location for your child to work that is free from distractions and allows for monitoring of your child’s online activity.
Provide assistance for your child in troubleshooting computer problems or answering course-related questions. 

Parents are expected to supervise and monitor their student’s progress throughout the duration of the course, just as you would in a regular learning setting.  This can be accomplished by accessing the parent account periodically to monitor student progress.

Parents should support Academic Integrity.  Academic Integrity is one of our core values and one of the most important areas of focus as a learning organization.  Students with Academic Integrity make decisions based on ethics and values that will prepare them to be productive ethical citizens. 

If you have questions or concerns about your child’s coursework, you may contact your child’s teacher directly via email or another mode of communication agreed upon.   When a parent/guardian has a concern about performance or behavior, the parent/guardian should request a conference with the child’s teacher.

After reviewing this Virtual Learning Code of Conduct, please complete the Virtual Learning Code of Conduct Acknowledgement via the link provided below:

Adapted from:  TRADVirtual Learning