Greetings Parents/Guardians and Students,

We are pleased to announce our school will host a spring fashion and talent show highlighting the latest generation – Generation Alpha or Gen Alpha, The theme of our event is Futuristic Styles and Profiles. This event will be held in our school auditorium, Thursday, May 9th at 6:00 p.m.  If your child is interested in participating in this extraordinary event,  please fill out the application and submit it to the homeroom teacher by Monday, April 8th. 

This year, students will be able to showcase their styles and profiles through 1) Modeling or 2) Presenting a talent. Our theme allows students to sparkle with versatility and personal taste. So, don’t hesitate to sign up today!   Students may only sign up for 1 activity; either fashion model participant  or a talent showcase participant.  In addition, participants will model only 1 outfit or showcase only 1 talent.  

Fashion Model Participant 

  1. Red Carpet – Participants will showcase futuristic, classy, sophisticated, formal wear and glamorous styles.  (i.e., The attire is suited for a glamorous award event.)
  2. Future Professional – Participants will  profile the business attire blended with personal  flair. ( ie., business formal and business casual wear)
  3. Summer Vibe – Participants will sport creative updates to their personal summer attire and casual wear.
  4. Black Out! – Participants will flash a bold and sophisticated statement in all-black black attire. Models may choose to lightly adorn their outfits with colorful or flashy accessories (i.e., jewelry, belt, sash, etc.) .

Talent Showcase Participant 

  1. Those who are  interested in participating with talent must submit a video sample (1 to 2 minutes max) that will provide a sample of their performance to be reviewed by a panel.  All participants must adhere to student guidelines as are listed in the Alpha Academy Student Handbook. (Good conduct is required at all times.).  
  2.  If selected, participants will be requested and required to attend an in-person audition. 
  3. A final notification will be sent to those selected to perform at the event. 
  4. All selected must attend rehearsals. Rehearsal dates will be provided at a later date. Instruments will not be provided for the performance, although a keyboard will be available for piano players.]

More information regarding selection,  initial meetings , rehearsal dates including dress rehearsal will be sent after participants have been selected. 

[All selected participants must be available for after-school rehearsals]

For any questions, please email:

All applicants must enter via the website or by using the link below. All student participants must use their student email to apply: