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Student Life

2021-2022 Timberwolves Basketball Schedule

By Student Life

11/09/21- Dillard Academy (MS) -6:30PM (AWAY)

11/16/21- Cardinal Charter (MS)- 5:30 PM (AWAY)

11/19/21- Ascend Leadership Academy (MS/JV)- 4:00 PM/7:00 PM (AWAY)

11/30/21- Berean Baptist Academy (MS)- 5:00 PM (AWAY)

12/07/21- KIPP Durham (MS)- 6:00 PM (HOME)

12/09/21- Healthy Start Academy (MS)-5:30PM (HOME)

12/14/21-Cardinal Charter (MS)- 5:30 PM (HOME)

12/16/21-Riverside Christian Academy (JV)- 5:30 PM (HOME)

12/17/21- Trinity Christian (MS/JV)- 5:30 PM/6:30 PM (HOME)

01/11/22- Dillard Academy (MS)- 5:30 PM (HOME)

01/14/22- Riverside Christian Academy (JV)- 7:30 PM (AWAY)

01/19/22- Chatham Charter (JV)- 4:30 PM (AWAY)

01/21/22- Ascend Leadership Academy- (MS/ JV)- 5:00PM/ 7:00PM (HOME)

01/24/22- KIPP Durham (MS)-6:00PM (AWAY)

01/28/22- TBA (MS)-5:30PM (HOME)

02/03/22- Healthy Start Academy-(MS)- 5:30 PM (AWAY)

02/04/22- Chatham Charter (JV)- 4:30 PM (HOME)

Game Day Addresses

Ascend Leadership Academy

283 Harvey Faulk Rd

Sanford, NC 27332


Dillard Academy

W.A. Foster Center

1012 S John St.

Goldsboro, NC 27530


KIPP Durham



Cardinal Charter

1020 St Charles Pl

 Cary, NC 27513


Chatham Charter

2200 Hamp Stone Rd.

 Siler City, NC 27344


Riverside Christian Academy

Highland Presbyterian Church

111 Highland Ave.

 Fayetteville, NC 28305

Pep Squad Tryouts

By Student Life

Pep Squad Tryouts

Date: November 6, 2021
Time: 10 am – 12 pm
Location: Alpha Academy Gymnasium

Open To Girls in 4th to 12th Grade
Participants should bring water, a mask, and wear workout attire.

For more information contact
Ms. Gidrey





Public Notice

By Student Life

The Alpha Academy RETURN TO IN-PERSON LEARNING PLAN is posted for public comment for a period of 30 days from October 13, 2021, through November 12, 2021.

A copy of the Plan can be viewed at the following links below:

Public comments will be received on the following link:

Comments can be submitted in writing by U.S. Mail to:
Alpha Academy
Public Comments
8030 Raeford Road
Fayetteville, NC 28304

TikTok Challenge

By Student Life

Greetings Alpha Academy parents, students, and staff:

This message is concerning a very important issue that requires your attention. As you may be aware, there have been several TikTok challenges that have impacted schools across the nation, including several in our local area. There are several viral challenges encouraging students to commit inappropriate and destructive behavior each month, beginning September through the end of the school year. One of the challenges is for students to vandalize the school’s bathrooms and this month’s challenge is to smack a staff member, and the list goes on with a series of additional challenges. The challenge is to commit these acts and post the completed challenge to social media or TikTok. Such behaviors are not acceptable and will not be tolerated at Alpha Academy. Your child could face suspension and possible expulsion.

We are requesting you, as parents, assist us in stopping this potentially dangerous trend. While some students consider this a prank, these actions are very serious, some criminal in nature, and can lead to serious, life-long consequences for your child, and possibly you, as a parent.  Should your child participate in any of these destructive and dangerous challenges that can affect the safety and security of our school, staff, or of other students, the Alpha Academy School Code of Conduct and severe consequences will be enforced. Because of the seriousness of these challenges, those participating can also be referred to law enforcement for further action.

Alpha Academy values the safety and security of our students and staff. It is imperative that you have a discussion with your children concerning disruptive and inappropriate behavior. Thank you for your support in addressing these issues with your child by helping them to understand the serious nature of these potentially dangerous, disruptive, and potentially criminal acts. It is our goal to continue to create an environment conducive to learning and to motivate our students to strive for their greatest potential. By working together, we can and will keep our school community safe.

Also, for the continued safety of our parents, students, and staff during this COVID outbreak, we ask that everyone wear a mask on the school campus at all times, to include when entering the building, when walking your child on campus, and when walking to pick up your child afterschool. We want to ensure everyone’s safety during this pandemic. Thank you for your continued support.

Michelle Campbell

Alpha Academy

Site Director

(910) 223-7711 (p)

(910) 678-9011 (f)

2021-2022 Boys Soccer Schedule

By Student Life

09/03/21- Berean Christian Academy- 3:30pm (AWAY)

09/17/21- Dillard Academy- 4:00pm (AWAY)

09/22/21- O’Neal School- 3:30pm (AWAY)

09/24/21- Ascend Leadership Academy- 5:00pm (AWAY)

09/28/21-Riverside Christian Academy- 4:00pm (AWAY)

10/01/21- Riverside Christian Academy- 4:00pm (AWAY)

10/08/21- Dillard Academy- 4:00pm (AWAY)

10/13/21- Ascend Leadership Academy- 5:00pm (AWAY)


Game Addresses


Ascend Leadership Academy

283 Harvey Faulk Rd.

Sanford, NC 27332


Dillard Academy

Bryan Multipurpose Sports Complex

501 S. Oak Forest Rd.

Goldsboro, NC 27534


Berean Baptist Academy

517 Glensford Dr.

Fayetteville, NC 28314


O’Neal School

3300 Airport Rd.

Southern Pines, NC 28387


Riverside Christian Academy

Reid Ross and Tokay Athletic Complex 

328 Hamilton St. 

Fayetteville, NC 28301

2021-2022 Girls Volleyball Schedule

By Student Life


09/02/21- New Life Christian Academy 4:00pm (AWAY)

09/07/21- Dillard Academy (MS)- 4:30pm (AWAY)

09/09/21- Chatham Charter (JV)-5:00pm (AWAY)

09/14/21- Ascend Leadership Academy (JV)- 4:30pm (HOME)

09/16/21- Dillard Academy (MS)- 4:30pm (HOME)

09/20/21- Falcon Christian Academy (MS)- 4:30PM (HOME) (Cancelled)

09/22/21- O’Neal School (MS)- 3:30pm (AWAY)

09/30/21- Chatham Charter (JV)- 5:00pm (AWAY)

10/01/21- Riverside Christian Academy (MS)- 6:30pm (AWAY)

10/05/21- Healthy Start Academy (MS)- 4:30pm (HOME)

10/07/21- Ascend Leadership Academy (JV)- 5:00pm (AWAY)


Game Addresses


Ascend Leadership Academy

283 Harvey Faulk Rd.

Sanford, NC 27332

Dillard Academy

Bryan Multipurpose Sports Complex

501 S. Oak Forest Rd.

Goldsboro, NC 27534


Berean Baptist Academy

517 Glensford Dr.

Fayetteville, NC 28314


O’Neal School

3300 Airport Rd.

Southern Pines, NC 28387


Riverside Christian Academy

Reid Ross and Tokay Athletic Complex 

328 Hamilton St. 

Fayetteville, NC 28301

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

By Student Life


On August 4th, National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day gives us an opportunity to dunk American’s #1 favorite cookie. Whether yours are homemade or storebought, pour a glass of milk and enjoy.

Without chocolate chips, the cookie would still be number one. Or would it?

For that reason, we also recognize Ruth Graves Wakefield on National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day. Thanks to her inventiveness and curiosity, chocolate chips and a cookie dough go together. And for this reason, we hover around ovens savoring the moment the timer dings.

How the Chocolate Chip Cookie Began

Imagine if Ruth Graves Wakefield hadn’t run out of baker’s chocolate for her cookie recipe that day in 1937. Because that’s what happened. The cookie recipe she was preparing called for baker’s chocolate and would have blended smoothly into the dough. However, she was out. And what if Mrs. Wakefield hadn’t considered using semi-sweet chocolate instead? She figured it would just melt into the dough and work much like the baker’s chocolate.


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