Alpha Academy In-Person Orientations

Welcome back to our returning students, and a warm welcome to our new students joining the Timberwolf family!

Attending the in-person Orientation is essential as it helps our staff plan effectively for the upcoming school year. It also provides you, as parents and guardians, with the opportunity to meet our staff and tour the facility.

Location: Main Auditorium

Orientation Schedule:

  • Tuesday, August 13th: Elementary, Grades Pre-K-5th | 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
  • Wednesday, August 14th: Middle School, Grades 6th-8th | 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
  • Thursday, August 15th: High School, Grades 9th-12th | 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Important Note: If you have more than one student enrolled at different grade levels, please attend a single orientation session. However, if one of your students is in high school, we ask that you attend the High School session.

To expedite the process, please fill out the Lunch Application before attending the orientation.